
Aquarius: the energy of friendship, exploration and analysis

Element: Air

Quality / energy: Fixed

Ruling planet: Saturn and Uranus

From ca: 21st of January to 19th of February

Aquarius is an air sign and is thus an intellectual sign. Aquarians are characterized by their forward-thinking approach and humanitarian spirit.

Aquarius symbolized by a woman pouring water from a pitcher

They are exploratory by nature and are attracted to what they perceive as new and exciting rather than traditional. Aquarians are sometimes seen as rebellious and individualistic but thrives on a sense of belonging to a group. They are friendly and social, and their intellectual disposition means they are not so much drawn into emotional drama or conflicts.

Aquarius traits and characteristics

Innovation and exploration

Aquarians have a forward-thinking mindset. They have the ability to envision new possibilities and embrace novel concepts, making them natural trendsetters and innovators in various fields. Aquarians thrive in environments that foster creative thinking.


However, Aquarians are not innovators who act in isolation. They have a strong desire to be part of a group, working within it to pursue their ideas or ideals for the benefit of the group, society or humanity at large. Aquarians are not typically nostalgic and have little need to adhere to norms and conventions. However, they hold firmly to their new ideas or ideals once they are formed. The combination of air – intellectual and quick-thinking in nature – is clearly visible here, as well as the fact that Aquarius is a fixed sign.


When presented with new information, Aquarians may initially feel uncertain, and they will hold on to their original conclusions until they have conducted thorough research. Only after careful analysis will they consider forming a new conclusion.

Independence and individuality

Aquarians value independence and individuality. They often pursue unconventional paths that reflect their personal values and interests. Aquarians are not so much influenced by societal pressures or expectations but want a thorough understanding. However, in subjects where Aquarians are not so knowledgeable, they tend to follow the group. In these cases, maybe a bit naively, they believe that others have done the thorough research they themselves would have done. Aquarians can also feel insecure if there are expectations on them in areas that are new or unknown to them.

Although Aquarians have a strong sense of individualism, they are not typically egocentric. Aquarius is a social person who values friendships and connecting with people, not least within group settings. They do not have a strong need for self-assertion. However, Aquarians can sometimes be seen as self-centered due to their firm belief in their own opinions being the best.

Humanitarianism and idealism

Aquarians are friendly and are often genuinely committed to humanitarian ideals and social progress. They are driven by a desire to improve the world and make a positive impact on society. Aquarians are freedom-loving and tolerant, but primarily so when others align with Aquarius’s ideals and vision for social improvement. When faced with opinions that conflict with their own, Aquarians may be less tolerant. There is thus a conservative side of Aquarius that is often overlooked.

In general, however, Aquarians are friendly and wishes well for both individuals and society. Their friendships tend to be more intellectual and detached, focusing on broader, group-level connections rather than passionate, one-on-one relationships.

Strengths of Aquarius

Innovative thinking and exploration

One of Aquarius’s greatest strengths is their innovative thinking. They are adept at generating original ideas and solutions that challenge the status quo. Since Aquarius is an intellectual sign, their creativity is usually about ideas and concepts, rather than practical or artistic expression in its purest sense.

Aquarians can immerse themselves in different areas and explore them thoroughly to gain a full understanding. Once Aquarians have mastered a particular area, they feel secure enough to share their insights with the group and society at large.

Visionary leadership

Aquarians have the ability to see the bigger picture and inspire others toward a shared goal. They generally do well in roles that require strategic thinking and long-term planning. Aquarians feel compelled to share their vision with others. Once they have solidified their ideas and gained confidence, they can convey these to the group and guide it toward realizing those ideas, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose. Aquarians thus embody a form of visionary leadership. They are not the type of leader who nurtures others with warmth and care but are instead driven by their ideas and ideals.

Open-mindedness and tolerance

Aquarians are open-minded and tolerant and are receptive to different perspectives and ideas. Their inclusive attitude helps them connect with a wide range of people and build meaningful relationships across various social and cultural contexts. Aquarians care for the well-being of everyone, and works for what they truly believe in. They have no strong emotional inhibitions that make it difficult to let go of the past but have the freedom to pursue their goals without being constrained by traditional norms or conventions.

Challenges and growth areas

Detachment and emotional distance

Aquarius’s focus on new concepts or ideals can sometimes lead to emotional detachment. Aquarius is very much a group person, meaning that contacts and intimate feelings person to person are not that strong. They can sometimes come across as aloof or cold, even though Aquarius is basically a friendly soul who wishes the best for others. After all, Aquarius is the sign of the zodiac that personifies friendship.

Unpredictability and rebelliousness

Aquarius’s desire for change and originality can sometimes manifest as unpredictability or rebelliousness. They may resist established structures or norms, which can lead to conflicts.

The symbol of Aquarius among flowers on a yellow background

For other signs, it may be important to adhere to norms and conventions, to conservative ideas and ideals, since it can provide a sense of security. Aquarius, however, wants to create new ways of looking at things and improve society and can therefore appear difficult to deal with.

This is especially true once Aquarius has thoroughly analyzed a subject, as they tend to hold firmly to their conclusions (it is a fixed sign after all) and dismiss what they see as "outdated" ideas. This steadfastness can sometimes be perceived as harsh.

Feelings of insecurity and uncertainty

In situations where Aquarius is unfamiliar, such as starting a new job, they may feel a strong sense of uncertainty, more so than other signs.

Aquarius only gains a sense of security once they have thoroughly explored and informed themselves about the matter at hand. Other signs are often more confident in areas that are new to them and accept that they have a learning curve. It is important for Aquarius to understand that this is an internal emotion and not necessarily a result of others’ expectations on them.

Over-idealism and detachment from practicalities

Aquarians are idealists and intellectual thinkers, but they have a certain lack of practicality to bring about real change unless they have people in their group to help turn ideas into tangible results. Striving for ideals can also lead them to aim for the unattainable, leaving them dissatisfied with outcomes that do not live up to their expectations.

Aquarius in relationships


In friendships, Aquarians are open-minded and accepting; they value intellectual connections and enjoy engaging in conversations. Aquarians are friendly and sociable, but not particularly emotional. Being an intellectual sign Aquarius excels at analyzing ideas and concepts in depth but is not as good at deep emotional understanding. Aquarians may occasionally come across as a bit aloof or indifferent to emotional issues, though this is not out of malice. In discussions, Aquarians may sometimes be perceived as harsh, as they tend to hold firmly to their own ideas and opinions.

Romantic relationships

Aquarians bring intellectual stimulation to romantic relationships. They seek partners who share their interest in innovation and social causes. Aquarians are friendly and affectionate in their love, rather than fiery and emotional. Their partner may sometimes feel that Aquarius comes across as cold or distant. However, Aquarius is a loyal partner who remains committed to the relationship. Their approach to romance is rooted in their vision of creating an ideal partnership, which can be challenging if the partner does not share the same vision or idea of what their relationship should look like.

Family dynamics

Aquarians are not nostalgic and are not the ones who strongly hold on to family traditions. Typically, Aquarians want to explore new things and can become very interested in certain subjects. That may lead to conflicts or hurt family members who place more value on traditions or want to focus on other things. Depending on their role within the family, Aquarius can either be a friendly, cooperative family member or take on a more proactive role, driving change.

Aquarius in professional life

Career choices

Aquarians excel in professional roles that require an exploratory attitude and a broad as well as deep knowledge of the subject in question. They want to understand and analyze issues. They often prefer jobs that offer intellectual challenges and the freedom to explore without rigid guidelines or procedures. At the same time, they are cooperative and enjoy working in groups. They can easily adapt if they agree with the group’s or organization’s way of doing things. However, they may become frustrated if they feel things are being handled in an unwise manner.

Work ethic and style

In the workplace, Aquarians are collaborative and encourage new ideas. Since they care about thoroughly understanding a subject or context, they tend to have strong work ethic. Aquarians can sometimes be perceived as critical, as they constantly want to improve things, especially when they feel confident about their cause. However, if Aquarians feel uncertain or lack full knowledge, they normally keep a much lower profile and can be perceived as a bit insecure.

Aquarius and personal growth

Self-awareness and reflection

Self-development is not only about trying to understand yourself, but also how you relate to those around you. While Aquarians are capable of deep analysis and understanding, this generally applies to intellectual contexts. As an air sign, Aquarius may struggle to grasp their own emotions and those of others, as emotions do not lend themselves easily to intellectual scrutiny. There may be aspects of oneself and others that need acceptance and understanding, without being dismissed as emotional rambling.

Balancing strengths and weaknesses

Aquarius’s strength lies in its idealism, kind-hearted nature and desire to improve the group and society at large. However, not everyone shares your specific vision or willingness to move away from the familiar, nostalgic and secure. Others may not be as excited about new things or prone to change. You may also sometimes be perceived as fixed in your views or conclusions once they have been established. Moreover, bear in mind that you can come across as emotionally distant and cold in discussions.


Aquarius is both intellectual and innovative yet has a tendency to cling to ideas once they have been established. Despite their independent nature, Aquarius is sociable and friendly and thrives within a group or social setting.


Also, remember that no one is solely defined by their zodiac sign. Along with your zodiac sign, the four signs in your sunring play a significant role in shaping how you act and respond in various areas of life. Moreover, the zodiac sign of your moon governs your self-esteem and spontaneous emotional reactions. To learn more about your sunring and moon you can read further on our website and see our guides here.

The word Aquarius among leaves and flowers

Frequently asked questions about Aquarius

What are the key traits of Aquarius, the Water Bearer?

Aquarius, symbolized by the Water Bearer, represents the flow of knowledge and inspiration to the world. As the eleventh sign of the zodiac, Aquarius is known for its innovative thinking, determination and love for community. These individuals often avoid small talk and prefer deep conversations about science, history and space. Their forward-thinking mindset makes them natural problem solvers and visionaries.


Why is Aquarius associated with January and February?

Aquarius season spans from approximately January 20 to February 18. These dates align with the sun's position in this zodiac sign, as defined by the ancient system of astrology. The Latin root of Aquarius, aqua, means water, linking it to the Water Bearer myth. This sign thrives on inspiring change and is often seen as a "king" of ideas, willing to enter uncharted territories for progress.


Is Aquarius a good match for making friends or partners?

Aquarius is celebrated for its supportive nature and strong sense of community. While they can seem distant on the surface, their loyalty to friends is unmatched. They value connections based on mutual respect and shared interests, especially in intellectual or creative pursuits. They may find it hard to compromise when their ideals are at stake but will always support those they care about.

How does the constellation Aquarius connect with science and space?

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, according to modern astrologers, and traditionally by Saturn, planets associated with innovation (Uranus) and progress. People born under this sign are often fascinated by the mysteries of space and science. They might be drawn to understanding the distant reaches of the universe or exploring complex systems that explain our world. This connection to the cosmos ties back to their mythological roots and their thirst for knowledge.


What common errors do people make when describing Aquarius?

A common misconception is that Aquarius is a water sign due to the Water Bearer symbol. In reality, Aquarius belongs to the air element, which explains their intellectual nature and love for abstract ideas. Another mistake is thinking they avoid hard work. Aquarians are incredibly determined when pursuing their passions, often dedicating pages of their life’s “article” to creating meaningful change.