The energy of emotions, instinctive reactions and self-esteem
Rulership: Cancer
“Who am I?” This is a question we can ponder for a lifetime. If we peel back the layers the “persona” that we build with our possessions, our habits and the image we project to others – what remains?
Astrology is a method that helps us understand ourselves. It places humanity at the center of everything, which means it is geocentric. Astrology shows us the energies we were influenced by at the time of our birth, but also how we are affected by the energies that surround us throughout our lives.
When we look up at the sky, we see planets and stars traveling around us in a circle. Of all celestial bodies besides the sun, the moon is the one we can see most easily. Most people are unaware of the planets, but the moon, along with the sun, is the celestial body that has the greatest significance both biologically and astrologically.
The moon is also the fastest-moving celestial body. It takes the moon 28 days to travel through the entire zodiac, which means it stays in each sign for about two and a half days.
Astrology takes on an entirely new meaning when we understand that our entire world is electromagnetic. Although we cannot see it with our eyes, we are completely submerged in electromagnetic frequencies, with visible light making up less than one percent.
Thus, we are constantly submerged in an ocean of electromagnetism, primarily created by earth’s magnetic field, along with radiation from the sun and the moon. The planets also have a certain impact on this electromagnetic field, but their influence is much more marginal.
Each of us, like all living things, is also surrounded by our own electromagnetic field (also called aura or toroidal field). We are therefore influenced by, and interact with, everything around us on an electromagnetic level, though this interaction mostly happens subconsciously, through frequencies we are not aware of.
Sunring astrology considers astrology as essentially a method for describing how we are affected by the electromagnetic field that constantly surrounds us.
This helps us understand which forces have the most influence on us. In conventional astrology, planets often play a large role, but when viewed from an electromagnetic perspective, it becomes clear that we need to focus primarily on the sun and the moon. You can read more about this in How electromagnetic astrology affects us humans.
Of all the planets, the moon’s influence is the hardest to describe. This is because the moon affects aspects within ourselves that are difficult to put into words – emotions, instinctive reactions and self-esteem.
Our emotions, instincts, and self-esteem develop long before we begin to express our outer personality, represented by the sun. In other words, the moon relates to parts of us that existed before we could clearly and distinctly communicate with others.
Simply put, the moon’s position in the birth chart describes our instinctive reactions, how we spontaneously express our emotions and where our self-esteem resides.
Throughout history, the moon has come to symbolize a variety of things, including in astrology: home, mother, security, nurturing, homeland, passive receptivity, vessels, containers, yin energy and feminine energy, to name a few.
There are many similarities here with the sign of Cancer, especially regarding the importance of home, basic security and nurturing. Thus, in astrology, the moon is said to rule the sign of Cancer.
It is difficult to describe emotions, and this is evident when reading about the moon’s influence, how it differs depending on the sign it occupies in the birth chart. In many astrological texts, descriptions of the moon’s influence can seem almost like descriptions of the sun, illustrating how challenging it is for us to fully understand our emotions.
The simplest way to describe the moon’s influence is that it represents how we instinctively and emotionally react. At times, especially with family, we might find ourselves unexpectedly angry, as if a part of us we are usually unaware of has suddenly emerged. Early in life, we learn to control our emotions, so these instinctive and primal parts of us rarely show in our daily interactions.
In conventional astrology, the moon, along with the sun, is considered the most important celestial body. However, the moon often takes a back seat as conventional astrology is largely concerned with aspects and transits.
Celestial bodies move in a 360-degree circle around us, with varying distances between them. For example, a planet may be 27 degrees from another planet, or perhaps occupy the same spot in the sky. Some of these distances, or angles, are considered especially significant and are referred to as aspects (see more on aspects here).
A birth chart is a snapshot of the planetary positions at the time of your birth. As the planets continue to move, they sometimes come into specific relationships with your birth chart. These are called transits (you can read more about transits here).
Given that, besides the sun and moon, there are eight other major bodies creating aspects and transits, birth chart interpretations can quickly become very complex and detailed. It is easy for the interpretation to become skewed, where both the sun and moon are overshadowed by intricate patterns formed by less significant bodies. And this does not even take into account the astrological houses, comets, asteroids, Arabic points, time lords, and more – all of which drastically increase the complexity to a level that is nearly incomprehensible to a non-astrologer.
Viewing astrology from an electromagnetic perspective can help us focus on what is important.
Simply studying the moon’s position in your own birth chart, or in the birth chart of a family member, can open up a completely new way to understand both yourself and those around you.
Because the moon’s role is so essential, it has its own sunring astrology guide, which you can download here. The guide helps you understand, among other things, what you and your loved ones need to feel harmonious, loved and secure on the most fundamental emotional level.
What does the moon represent in astrology?
The moon represents the inner world, emotions, unconscious mind and personal connection to the past. It governs moods, instincts and how we feel secure, playing a role in shaping one’s sense of self in the horoscope.
Generally, the sun represents the spirit, identity and outward expression, while the moon’s energy reflects the soul, emotions and the inner emotional landscape. The sun is associated with action and consciousness, whereas the moon governs intuition and the unconscious.
The moon rules Cancer, a water sign known for its deep emotional nature and connection to home, family and the tides of life. A traditional idea is that in the fourth house, the moon governs the foundation of one’s life, including childhood and the need to feel secure.
However, houses are an unreliable tool in astrology as the moon and other planets may end up in different houses depending on which house system you use.
Ancient astrologers believed the moon held significant influence as a ruler of Cancer. They also believed that people were affected by the moon's phases and that those phases were reflected in people's emotions.
The moon’s placement in the zodiac signs affects an individual’s emotional nature and instincts. For example, in Pisces, it heightens empathy and creativity; in Taurus, where it is exalted, it brings stability and a sense of comfort; and in Scorpio, it intensifies emotional depth and transformation.
Traditionally, the full moon represents heightened emotions, while the new moon signifies new beginnings and introspection. Both phases are significant in astrology, influencing moods, personal growth and one’s ability to start fresh or let go of the past. Sunring astrology has a somewhat different interpretation of the influence of the moon, as described above.
The moon’s nature is closely tied to water, symbolizing emotions, intuition and the flow of life. It is connected to water signs like Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio, and is believed to influence tides, the sea and the emotional depth of individuals.
The moon’s position in a horoscope reveals how people born under its influence process emotions, their instincts and reactions and their inner world. It governs the unconscious, moods and the ability to feel secure and loved.
According to some astrologers, the moon represents the soul’s journey, reflecting the emotional undercurrents that shape a person’s sense of belonging and connection to the past. It is central to understanding one’s inner world and the depth of their personal and spiritual nature.
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