
Venus in Astrology

The energy of love, beauty, creation and harmonious relationships

Rulership: Taurus and Libra


Astrology is geocentric. It describes how we humans perceive the world around us and how it influences us.

In a birth chart, the individual is therefore placed at the center, surrounded by celestial bodies in a 360-degree circle – just as we observe the heavens from earth. Venus completes its journey through the zodiac in 255 days, spending about 18 days in each sign.

Venus in astrology represented by a woman among roses and birds

From earth’s perspective, Venus never strays more than 48 degrees from the sun, meaning it is visible only at dawn or dusk, when it shines brightly as either the Morning Star or the Evening Star.

Venus and the electromagnetic field

Our reality can be described as an ocean of electromagnetic frequencies. However, humans can only perceive a fraction of the electromagnetic frequences that constantly surrounds us, primarily the frequencies of visible light and audible sound. This accounts for less than one percent of the electromagnetic ocean or field that we are enveloped within.

The main sources of electromagnetic influence come from earth’s magnetic field, along with radiation from the sun and moon. Compared to these immense forces, planets like Venus contribute only subtle nuances. This does not make Venus unimportant, but it suggests that planets may not hold the fateful or dramatic roles often attributed to them in both historical and modern astrology (read more in

How electromagnetic astrology affects us humans).

The energy of love and harmonious relationships

Venus primarily embodies the energy of love and has historically been associated with the Roman goddess Venus, the goddess of love, or her Greek counterpart, Aphrodite. The energy that Venus represents is one of harmonious union.

It brings people together through attraction, not only because of similarities but also through complementary differences. This energy allows individuals to be and express their authentic selves.

In many relationships, people may hide their true selves, leading to conflicts with their inner nature. These relationships are not aligned with Venus’s energy. Authentic connection, as Venus teaches, is built on being true to oneself.

Before we can form genuine connections with others, we must cultivate a loving and harmonious relationship with ourselves – unconditionally accepting who we are. This can be a significant challenge for many, as self-judgment often runs deep.


Venus is sometimes linked to passionate love, but passion often involves dominance, control or possessiveness. These elements conflict with Venus’s energy of unconditional love, a love that gives and receives freely without ownership or expectations of how the other person should be. Mastering this form of love is a profound challenge for most people.

The energy of beauty and creation

In creation, as in art, harmony emerges from the union of disparate elements. A painting combines canvas and pigments to create beauty. A crafted piece of furniture blends wood, metal, lacquer and stains to form a cohesive whole.

This harmonious blending of different components reflects Venus’s energy, just as it unites individuals in harmonious relationships.

Venus’s rulership

Venus expresses beauty and creativity, qualities mirrored in the zodiac sign Taurus. Since antiquity, Venus has been considered Taurus’s ruling planet. Similarly, Venus governs Libra, as it also symbolizes harmonious relationships.

Venus symbolized by a woman standing on a field with flowers looking up at the night sky
Venus symbolized by a woman of color surrounded by flowers

Interpretation in astrology

In astrology, Venus’s placement in the birth chart is thought to reveal how one expresses love. However, this interpretation often inflates the significance of planetary influence. Venus represents only a small part of the vast field of energy we live in. The combined energies of earth, the sun and the moon far outweigh any single planet’s influence.

What truly shapes how we express love and relate to others is our individual personality, shaped primarily by the sun sign, sunring and the moon.

When we truly know and accept ourselves, with all our flaws, we can express this authenticity in our relationships. Self-awareness allows us to better understand others, fostering harmony even amidst differences. By embracing Venus’s energy, which is always accessible to us, we can create meaningful, balanced connections.

Understanding ourselves through astrology

Discovering who we are and what we are meant to do is a lifelong journey. Astrology can be a valuable tool in helping us understand the unique energies imprinted on us at birth. You can learn more about this here.

Venus represented by a woman with long light hair surrounded by flowers and the ocean behind her

Frequently asked questions about Venus in astrology

What role does Venus play in the solar system?

In the solar system, Venus is the second planet from the sun and is known for its brilliance in the night sky.

What is the significance of the planet Venus in astrology?

Venus is known as the planet of love and represents beauty, charm, romance, affection and pleasure. As a feminine planet, Venus influences our relationships, aesthetics and what we find attractive in others. It also governs our sense of grace, fashion and love life.

What does the Venus sign represent in a natal chart?

Venus’s placement in the chart is usually thought to reveal how you express love and affection, your preferences in relationships and your sense of harmony and beauty. It also determines your approach to romance and the kind of partner or energy you are drawn to. For men, Venus often symbolizes the qualities they seek in a wife.


It is worth remembering however that the strongest forces that put their mark on you at birth are the main energy sources in the electromagnetic universe that we live in – the sun, the moon and the sunring.

What happens during Venus retrograde?

During Venus retrograde, the energy of this beneficial planet is thought to turn inward, often leading to reassessments of relationships, self-worth and values. This is a time when unresolved issues in love life, finances or personal aesthetics may resurface, and it is best to avoid starting new romances.

When we view astrology as a system of energies, much less emphasis is put on planetary influences as their energy is marginal compared to the energy of the sun, the moon and the sunring.

How does Venus influence each zodiac sign?

Venus rules Taurus and Libra, enhancing their love for beauty, harmony, and relationships. When placed in Pisces, Venus is exalted and brings the highest expression of love and compassion. In Virgo, Venus is considered debilitated and may result in a more analytical approach to relationships.

The energy shifts in fiery signs like Aries and Leo, watery signs like Scorpio and Cancer, or airy signs like Gemini and Aquarius. Again, the influence of the planets is marginal compared to that of the sun, the moon and the sunring.

What is an afflicted Venus, and what are its effects?

An afflicted Venus occurs when Venus is in a challenging position, such as being conjunct malefic planets like Mars, Saturn or Pluto or placed in difficult houses. According to conventional interpretations, this can result in bad results in love life, financial instability or struggles in finding happiness and pleasure.


Since the energy of the planets is marginal compared to that of the sun, moon and sunring, these kinds of interpretations are often a bit exaggerated.

How does a strong Venus benefit life?

A strong Venus in the horoscope is traditionally considered to bring beneficial results such as artistic talent, appreciation for beauty, harmonious relationships and financial prosperity. It enhances your charm, grace and ability to attract affection and happiness. However, as mentioned above, your personality is mainly influenced by your sun sign, sunring and the moon.

How does Venus interact with other planets?

Venus energy complements Jupiter, creating balance and abundance, but can clash with planets like Mars or Saturn, leading to tension in relationships or challenges in love life. Its interactions with Neptune can amplify romantic ideals, while connections with Mercury enhance charm and communication. 

These interactions are mostly relevant for humanity as a whole. For the individual, the effect of the planets is marginal compared to that of the sun, moon and the sunring

Why is Venus called a beneficial planet?

Venus is considered a beneficial planet, or benefic planet, because it brings positive influences in areas of love, pleasure and material comfort. It governs the things that make life enjoyable, including relationships, beauty and luxury.

What are the symbolic elements of Venus energy?

Venus energy is associated with grace, charm, affection and the ability to attract what we desire. It symbolizes romance, music, art and fashion, making it a key planet in matters of the heart and creativity.

Why is Venus referred to as the wife in Vedic astrology?

In Vedic astrology, Venus represents wife because it embodies feminine energy, love and the qualities sought in a life partner.

What is Venus's significance in Hindu mythology?

In Hindu mythology, Venus is known as Shukra, the lord of luxury, knowledge and prosperity. Shukra is revered as a wise teacher and symbolizes the balance between material and spiritual pursuits.