
Neptune in Astrology

The energy of inspiration, dreams and illusions

Rulership: Pisces


When we stand on earth and look up at the night sky, we see stars and planets moving in a circle around us. From this viewpoint, we are at the center of everything – a geocentric perspective that astrology also adopts, describing how the universe around us affects our lives.

Neptune is one of the planets we cannot see with the naked eye. Discovered (or rediscovered) as recently as in 1846, we do not have the millennia of accumulated knowledge we have with many other planets.

Neptune in astrology symbolized by man water and dolphins

Neptune is associated with realms beyond our everyday reality, an elusive and hard-to-define influence. Neptune is indeed illusive, but the illusion may however lie in our belief that we fully understand its significance, despite having only a brief history of observing it (learn more about it in The origins of astrology).

The deep and the mystical

Neptune moves slowly, taking 165 years to complete a full journey through the zodiac, which means it spends about 14 years in each sign. Named after the Roman sea god Neptune (known in Greek mythology as Poseidon), the planet’s energy is associated with the deep and the mystical.

Neptune and the electromagnetic field

We often hear that our senses are deceptive, that what we perceive as reality is, in truth, an illusion. Our sight and touch tell us that we are in an “empty space” with just some air around us, yet we are actually immersed in a vast ocean of electromagnetic frequencies.


This ocean of electromagnetism is primarily created by earth’s magnetic field, along with radiation from the sun and moon. The planets, and perhaps many other factors, also contribute subtle layers to this field.

Conventional astrology often places great emphasis on the planets, but when we view astrology as a way of analyzing the electromagnetic field that surrounds us, it gives us a more nuanced view. Rather than the nearly fated role often attributed to the planets, also in modern astrology, their influence on individuals is far subtler (see more on this topic in How electromagnetic astrology affects us humans).

The energy of inspiration, dreams and illusions

Despite the relatively recent astrological study of Neptune, the planet is thought to represent energies that lie beyond our usual perception of reality.

Neptune embodies the intangible and the mystical, alternate states of consciousness and the dissolution of the very structures and boundaries that define our reality.


The paradox is that our physical reality itself is an illusion. Our knowledge and senses are too limited to truly understand the nature of everything. When we realize this, Neptune symbolizes not illusion but revelation, or insight into the true nature of things.

More simply, Neptune represents inspiration and dreams. Through them, we bridge the gap between our conscious self and our subconscious, or perhaps our higher self. Because of this, Neptune is often associated with artistic inspiration and creativity.


Ego dissolution and altruism

When we move beyond our usual reality, concepts and structures, as well as our sense of self, begin to dissolve. Neptune, therefore, is linked with ego dissolution, merging with the greater whole, idealism, impersonal love and altruism.


For most people, however, Neptune’s energy can bring confusion, anxiety and a sense of losing touch with reality. Consequently, Neptune is also associated with escapism, including substance use and reckless behavior.

Neptune’s rulership

Inspiration, dreams, fantasies, artistry and the dissolution of ego are all qualities shared with the sign of Pisces. Modern astrologers generally consider Neptune to be the ruling planet of Pisces.

However, this assessment may be a bit misplaced. Neptune’s energy represents something beyond this reality and reflects traits we might associate with mystics, martyrs or visionaries, or in some cases, with those who live disconnected from ordinary concerns.

Most people with strong Pisces influences in their birth charts, such as the sun or ascendant in Pisces, are not necessarily withdrawn from the world.


Traditionally, Jupiter has been regarded as the ruler of Pisces. Jupiter represents expansive energy, whether in physical exploration or internal journeys of consciousness. This also aligns with Pisces’ capacity for visionary thinking, imagination and dreams.

Neptune represented by a man with beard holding a spear

Interpreting Neptune in astrology

Since Neptune moves so slowly through the zodiac, people born around the same time will share the same Neptune placement in their birth charts, making it what is known as a generational planet.

In an individual birth chart, Neptune’s placement indicates where we have creative ability and where we might feel inspired or compassionate, as well as where we might have psychic sensitivity. However, this type of energy can be challenging for many people. Humans are, after all, social beings, and many struggle with prolonged solitude and introspection.


It is helpful to remember that Neptune, like the other planets, only adds a subtle influence to the energy field around us, and may not have a major impact on an individual level.


When viewed at a societal level, however, Neptune’s slow journey through the zodiac can subtly influence enough people to bring about shifts within society. Neptune’s gradual journey through the zodiac can inspire shifts that influence entire generations and even shape society’s cultural currents.

Frequently asked questions about Neptune in astrology    

What does Neptune represent in astrology?

Neptune is a transcendental planet representing spirituality, dreams and universal compassion.

Known as the god of the sea, Neptune rules things subtle, such as imagination, intuition and psychic receptivity. It is considered the higher octave of Venus, connecting beauty and love to divine, unconditional love.

The planet Neptune represented by person, water creatures and waves

What zodiac signs does Neptune rule?

Neptune rules Pisces, emphasizing spirituality, creativity and emotional depth. Its influence is often subtle but profound, encouraging individuals to transcend the material world and seek universal truths. In other words, Neptune rules spirituality.

What does Neptune’s position in a natal chart show?

Conventional astrologers think that Neptune’s position reveals where individuals are most likely to experience dreams, illusions or spiritual growth.


In astrology, the planet Saturn marks the end of the material world and known universe, with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto ruling energies that lie beyond our normal senses. These are also called the outer planets in the solar system.


Like the other outer planets, Neptune moves slowly through the zodiac, influencing generations of people rather than individuals, urging humanity to evolve on a spiritual level. It is therefore seen as one of the transpersonal planets.


How does Neptune’s influence compare to other outer planets like Uranus or Pluto?

Neptune, as an outer planet, works on a collective level. Unlike Uranus, which triggers sudden changes, or Pluto, which represents transformation and rebirth, Neptune’s role is subtler, dissolving boundaries to inspire unity and universal compassion.


What are Neptune’s more negative manifestations?

On the downside, Neptune can lead to confusion, deception or escapism. These negative manifestations may show up as addiction, avoidance of responsibility or unrealistic expectations, especially when one struggles to balance the material world with spiritual aspirations.


Why is Neptune considered a higher octave of Venus?

Venus governs love, beauty and relationships on a personal level, while Neptune elevates these themes to a universal scale, emphasizing selfless love, divine inspiration and connection with the divine. This link highlights Neptune’s role in encouraging artistic expression and compassion.


How does Neptune interact with planets like Saturn or Mercury?

Neptune contrasts with Saturn, which represents the existing order and material limitations. Where Saturn focuses on structure, Neptune dissolves it to encourage dreaming and imagination.


With Mercury, Neptune can enhance creativity and intuition but might also cloud rational thinking or communication.


What lessons does Neptune offer on a personal and collective level?

Neptune invites individuals to transcend the mundane and embrace the interconnectedness of life. On a personal level, this involves exploring spirituality, intuition and empathy. On a collective level, Neptune inspires movements rooted in peace, unity and a shared vision of a better world.


What are the houses in astrology and how are they related to Neptune?

In conventional astrology, the astrological houses are thought to explain different aspects of our lives and how they are influenced by the planets. There are many house systems and they all place the planets differently, making houses an unreliable part of astrology (read more about it here).


There is a general association of Neptune with the twelfth house, which is related to the subconscious – secrets, spirituality, solitude and the unconscious mind.