Here we will venture beyond conventional astrology and look at us humans as electromagnetic beings.
Although not astrology as such, this subject is of profound importance to understand why sunring astrology can accurately describe personality traits and characteristics. One could even say that sunring astrology is based on electromagnetic astrology.
As most people probably are aware of, there are weak electric currents in our bodies. Perhaps you have heard about the electron transport chain? In fact, we humans can be described as walking semiconductors.
We also have chemical signals in our bodies, but they are far too few and too slow to explain the myriads of reactions that constantly take place in our cells.
Just as the blood courses through our veins in a purposeful way, electrons do not spread in a random haphazard manner, but have their own transport medium – water. However, electrons do not flow via common water, H2O, but H3O.
H3O has been called the fourth phase of water (the other phases are ice, liquid and gas). H3O forms a geometrical pattern, like a liquid crystal (yes, like the technology used in flat screen TVs). Other names for H3O are structured water and exclusion zone water, EZ.
The geometrically shaped water molecules form bipolar structures, meaning that they have a positive side and a negative side. In other words – a battery!
This means that H3O can store energy, which is constantly available for all reactions that take place in the body.
This liquid crystal water, H3O, surrounds our connective tissue, or facia. If you know something about the facia, you may have heard that it is a three-dimensional network of collagen fibers that permeates every organ in our bodies – the brain, the lungs, the skeleton, our eyes, etc. This way, electrons can be transported everywhere in the body along the H3O-surrounded facia.
Our bodies need help to form H3O. When we are exposed to infrared light from the sun, H3O is formed in our mitochondria. We can of course also get infrared light/heat from panels or by moving our bodies. But the most important source of infrared light is the sun.
This is why it is so important to spend time outdoors, preferably several times a day, so that our bodies can build and maintain our electron transport medium.
A healthy supply of H3O means less inflammation and more healing.
Besides a healthy transport medium for electrons/energy we also need the electrons themselves. A fairly established fact (although most people are perhaps not aware of it) is that only about a third of the energy we need comes from the food we eat. The rest comes from other sources.
The earth provides a wealth of free electrons that help our bodies maintain a healthy negative charge. Stand barefoot on the ground as often as you can or touch a living tree or a stone to get free electrons (energy).
We also get free electrons from ultraviolet light from the sun. So, just as with almost every other living organism on the earth, we humans are dependent on the life-giving sun.
In addition, the electromagnetic field that surrounds us, that is primarily created by the earth and the sun as well as the moon, “excites” our electrons and keeps energy and life flowing inside us.
Everything that has an electric current will create an electromagnetic field around itself.
With all of these electrons flowing in our bodies, we humans create our own electromagnetic fields, so-called toroidal fields, that reach far out from our bodies.
This is why you can sense people coming up to you from behind, even if you do not see them or hear them. Their electromagnetic fields are approaching, or invading, your electromagnetic field.
In other words, we are electromagnetic beings, with our own electromagnetic toroidal fields, and we are at the same time constantly surrounded by an immense electromagnetic field from the earth, sun and moon, and to a lesser extent the planets and likely other factors that we do not know about.
Another fascinating thing about H3O is that it works as a fractal antenna. What does that mean? Fractals can be described as repeating geometrical patterns. We can use a cauliflower as an example. If you break off a piece of the cauliflower, that piece will also look like a little cauliflower. If you break off another little piece of that smaller cauliflower, that piece will also look like a miniature cauliflower.
This is how H3O works in the body. So, what has this to do with antennas? An antenna can receive electromagnetic wavelengths that are related to the length of the antenna. So, a long antenna can receive long and slow wavelengths. Shorter antennas can receive shorter and faster electromagnetic waves.
Since H3O forms a fractal antenna in our bodies, we humans can receive any electromagnetic wavelength that we are exposed to. Although our conscious minds can only perceive visible light, as well as frequences within the human sound spectrum, we in fact receive an enormous amount of information from our electromagnetic surroundings.
Being not only walking semiconductors but also walking fractal antennas, on some level we are aware of everything that goes on around us. We are literally swimming in an ocean of electromagnetic frequencies, that our physical body, conscious mind, and unconscious mind receive and interpret for us.
Perhaps you have heard about the Schumann resonance, which is part of the earth’s electromagnetic spectrum? The Schumann resonance averages around 7.8 Hz but is a band of frequencies between 3 and 60 Hz.
These are approximately the same frequences as our brainwaves, that is, the waves emanating from our brain’s natural electric activity.
Perhaps you have heard of alpha, beta, theta and delta brain waves? It is likely no coincidence that our brain has these same frequences as the earth. In fact, you could describe it as if our brains synchronize with the earth’s own frequencies depending on our state of mind. If we are relaxed, excited, creative and so on, the brain synchronizes with the same kinds of frequencies of the earth.
Looking at it this way, we can understand that it is primarily the earth, the sun and the moon that create the electromagnetic field that surrounds us. They are by far the strongest sources of electromagnetism that we are exposed to. The planets are of lesser importance. This is why sunring astrology focuses on the sun, the sunring, and the moon. This is also why sunring astrology is in essence electromagnetic astrology.
As has been described elsewhere on this site, before you are born, you are surrounded by your mother’s electromagnetic field. The minute you come out from the womb you get a full blast of the electromagnetic field from your surroundings. This is your basal energy, your base settings, your first impression of the world, and with the electromagnetic field being so immense and all-encompassing, it will leave an imprint on you for the rest of your life.
Your basal energy will be unique to you. You are a living representative of the exact energy field that existed at your time and place of birth. When you are relaxed, happy and harmonious this basal beautiful energy of yours is what you spread to people, nature and everything around you.
However, if you are sad, stressed, frustrated or angry, your unique and beautiful energy will be diminished or hampered. It will also be diminished if you are not your true self but try to live up to other people’s expectations or how society tells you how you should be.
Sunring astrology can help guide you back to your original self. To whom you are supposed to be.
You do not have to live up to anything, or be anything special, you just have to be you. Which can be difficult in today’s world, but it is easier to find yourself if you have a map, or a guide, and this is the purpose of sunring astrology.
The same energy can be expressed both in a negative and a positive way. Sunring astrology helps you emit the positive side of the energies that are inherent within you.
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Hyperborea AB, Sweden
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