
Mercury in Astrology

The energy of thought, intellect and communication

Rulership: Gemini and Virgo


Astrology places us humans at the center of the universe. It studies how we experience and are affected by the celestial bodies that circle around us.

Therefore, birth charts are drawn as a circle, with the observer at the center of the chart, on earth, while celestial bodies move around the person at different speeds.

Mercury in astrology symbolized by a man standing in a circle of symbols among clouds

Mercury seen from earth

From earth, the planet Mercury moves swiftly along the zodiac. It spends 16 days in each zodiac sign, completing a full cycle around the zodiac (360 degrees) in only 188 days. Mercury is always close to the sun, at most 28 degrees to either side, meaning it is only visible at dawn and dusk.


Mercury and the electromagnetic universe

Our entire existence consists of electromagnetic frequencies. However, our conscious mind perceives less than one percent of the electromagnetic ocean that constantly surrounds us, that is, visible light and sounds we can hear.


Most of this ocean, or field, of electromagnetism is created by the earth’s magnetic field combined with radiation from the sun and moon. Compared to these enormous sources of power, planets contribute only subtle nuances (you can read more about this in the article How electromagnetic astrology affects us humans).

This does not mean that Mercury is unimportant. However, when astrology is viewed as a method to describe how we humans are influenced by energies, it becomes clear that the planets do not have the influence that is often ascribed to them in conventional astrology.

The energy of Mercury

Mercury contributes to the electromagnetic field with an energy that can be summarized with the words thought, intellect and communication.

Mercury represents the way we perceive the world and communicate it to others. This involves visual impressions, sounds, images and symbols. Thus, Mercury is associated with language, learning, various techniques for transmitting information, curiosity and ideas.


As mentioned, Mercury moves quickly through the zodiac, and swiftness is the very essence of Mercury’s energy.

In mythology, Mercury is associated with the Roman god Mercury (or Hermes, his Greek counterpart) – the messenger of the gods and protector of trade and merchants.

Mercury rulership

Curiosity, intellect and quickness are also typical traits of the zodiac sign Gemini. In ancient astrology, Mercury was therefore considered to rule Gemini, a view that continues today. Mercury’s energy is detail-oriented, and therefore the planet is also considered to rule the sign of Virgo.

Mercury retrograde

At certain times, Mercury appears to move in the opposite direction across the sky, known as retrograde. In conventional astrology, Mercury retrograde periods are thought to bring trouble. People are warned that communication may break down, and that you should avoid signing agreements or starting a new job during these periods.


These are examples of the exaggerated role sometimes assigned to the planets. We are constantly influenced by a vast array of electromagnetic frequences, of which the planets only form a small part. Furthermore, we humans have free will. We can choose how much we let ourselves be affected by everything happening around us.

Mercury's impact on your aura

As a living organism, you generate your own electromagnetic field, sometimes called a toroidal field or aura. Your aura is not only formed and affected by the biological processes in your body; your own emotions and thoughts will also have an impact on it.


Your aura is also affected by the people you meet, who are likewise surrounded by their own electromagnetic fields. Additionally, you are always submerged in the immense energy field created by the earth in combination with the sun and moon.

Mercury symbolized by a flying man with wings on his back  in white, yellow and blue colors

From this perspective, we can understand that Mercury is not the sole factor causing communication breakdowns or failed agreements during retrograde periods.

Mercury is in retrograde for roughly three-week periods. An agreement may have been prepared over months or even years. Whether the agreement is successful or not depends, of course, on the energy, commitment, honesty or dishonesty, thoroughness and consideration invested in its preparation over time.

Mercury's impact on communication

The same applies to communication. How well or poorly we communicate is influenced by relationships built over time, our experiences and our backgrounds. Above all, it is shaped by who we are as individuals, as described by your sun sign, sunring and the moon’s position at your birth.


Learn more about sunring astrology and the unique energies you were imprinted with at birth by reading What is sunring astrology and How electromagnetic astrology affects us humans.

Frequently asked questions about Mercury in astrology

What does it mean that Mercury rules certain zodiac signs?

In Western astrology, Mercury rules the zodiac signs Gemini and Virgo. The zodiac signs Mercury rules have certain similarities with the planet itself, and people born under Gemini and Virgo thus are skilled in processing information, analyzing situations and expressing themselves with quick wit.

Mercury represented by a walking messenger

What is Mercury’s position in the solar system and how does it relate to astrology?

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, with the fastest orbit of all the planets. This speedy movement mirrors Mercury’s action in astrology, where it symbolizes quick thinking, adaptability and day-to-day expression.


Its proximity to the sun represents the close relationship between thought (Mercury) and the life force (the sun).


What is the astrological significance of Mercury’s placement in a person’s life?

According to conventional astrology, a person’s Mercury sign reveals how they process information, communicate and make decisions. Mercury’s placement in the birth chart is thought to indicate the way someone expresses their thoughts, their sense of humor, and even how they handle problems related to logic and reason.


From an electromagnetic perspective, Mercury (and the other planets) have a much lesser impact in the birth chart than conventional astrology indicates. It is the earth's magnetic field, in combination with the energies of the sun and moon, that have a profound influence on a person’s unique strengths and personality.


How does Mercury interact with other planets in astrology?

Astrologers look at Mercury’s aspects to other planets in a birth chart, to see if different aspects or patterns are formed between Mercury and other planets. For example, harmonious aspects with Venus is seen to bring a graceful communication style, while aspects with Jupiter may expand the scope of one’s thinking. An "afflicted" Mercury, such as harsh aspects with Neptune, could lead to confusion or difficulties in expressing thoughts clearly.


The role of the planets in conventional astrology can be a bit exaggerated. Planet interactions are more relevant on humanity as a whole rather than on individuals. 


How does Mercury compare to Jupiter in astrology?

While Mercury represents the mind and quick wit, the planet Jupiter symbolizes wisdom, higher learning and expansion. Mercury governs the details of everyday life and short-term decisions, while Jupiter takes a broader view of life’s purpose and spiritual growth.


How does Mercury’s orbit influence its role in astrology?

Mercury’s short orbit, taking only 88 days to travel through the zodiac, reflects its role as a fast-moving influence in astrology. Its quick transitions through the zodiac signs emphasize its connection to fleeting thoughts, daily decisions and adaptable communication styles.


What is the mythological connection between Mercury and the Olympian gods?

In Roman mythology, Mercury is associated with the Olympian god Hermes, the messenger of the gods. This connection highlights Mercury’s role as a ruling planet of communication, travel and the transmission of ideas.


What impact has Mercury in different astrological houses?

There are many house systems and they all place the planets differently, which makes the whole concept of astrological houses dubious, although conventional astrologers would protest at this notion. Houses are thought to show where planets have a certain impact in our lives.


For example, the third house is connected to communication and learning and the tenth house is connected to career and reputation. If Mercury is placed in these houses, or the sixth house or any other houses, it will modify this aspect of our lives. However, as mentioned, house systems are not reliable as they all produce different results.