The energy of transformation and rebirth
Rulership: Scorpio
On a clear night, when we look up at the sky, we see stars and planets moving in a circle around us. From this perspective, we appear to be at the center of everything. Astrology uses this geocentric view to understand how events and energies around us influence our lives here on earth.
Much of what we observe is visible to the naked eye, but some forces are hidden. Pluto, the outermost planet, was discovered (or rediscovered) in 1930 with the help of telescopes.
This means we have not had much time to study its astrological effects. This is worth keeping in mind, as descriptions of Pluto often tend to be quite dramatic. (Learn more about where it all began in The origins of astrology.)
Pluto moves very slowly through the zodiac, taking 248 years to complete a full cycle and remaining in each sign for 15-35 years. Named after the Greek god Pluto – a somewhat more positive version of Hades, the ruler of the underworld – the planet’s energy is associated with hidden forces and transformations.
Our senses allow us to function in this reality, but they capture only a small fraction of what is happening around us. We are actually immersed in an ocean of electromagnetic radiation, of which visible light makes up less than 1 percent. We are thus bombarded by information without even being aware of it.
This ocean of frequencies is mainly shaped by the strongest forces around us: earth’s magnetic field, the sun and the moon. From an electromagnetic perspective, the planets have a much smaller effect.
This perspective is useful when interpreting birth charts. Planets often play a central role in traditional astrology, but seeing astrology as a method of analyzing electromagnetic influences gives us a different understanding.
Pluto, frequently described as highly transformative and intense, is just a small part of the vast electromagnetic field that surrounds us. (See more on how we are influenced by the forces around us in How electromagnetic astrology affects us humans.)
Pluto’s energy brings about transformation and rebirth, forces that are fundamental to existence. Everywhere in nature and through the changing of the seasons, we see life arise, mature, decay, and then return anew. Yet, the true essence of life remains a mystery. We are moving into areas beyond what we can perceive or fully understand.
Even though “transformation” and “rebirth” may sound dramatic, these are usually slow, unfolding processes.
Many people are fearful of death and disconnected from spiritual teachings that embrace it. Because of this, Pluto’s energy may seem more ominous and unsettling than it truly is. Today, people sometimes look to science to shield them from confronting death, rather than seeing it as a natural transition to another stage of existence.
In astrology, to wield power over life and death symbolizes ultimate authority. Pluto, therefore, is associated with power, control and sexuality. Since Pluto lies beyond conscious understanding, it is also linked to secrecy, hidden agendas and the unknown.
Concepts like transformation, rebirth, sexuality and hidden motives resonate with the sign of Scorpio, especially its deeper and more extreme interpretations. Modern astrologers therefore view Pluto as the ruler of Scorpio. Historically, however, Mars was considered the ruler of Scorpio.
Scorpio, a water sign, is deeply connected to emotions, shaping how Scorpio interacts with the world. As a fixed sign, Scorpio can analyze feelings in depth, often understanding itself more profoundly than many other signs. Scorpio is driven by passion and intense experiences, especially those it finds meaningful.
This ability to delve into deep emotions can lead some Scorpios to exploration of themes like life and death, aligning well with Pluto’s energy.
However, most Scorpios do not live lives filled with constant transformation. Neither do they engage in topics that revolve around (spiritual) death and rebirth. Most Scorpios are pleasant and relatable people, and not dramatic mystics.
Mars usually has an individualistic, outward-directed force, but it fits Scorpio well when this energy is focused inwardly instead. It allows Scorpio to examine things deeply until they are fully understood. In this sense, Mars serves well as Scorpio’s traditional ruler.
Pluto generally brings energies that can be difficult for people to manage, often manifesting as life crises or changes we resist until we finally surrender and grow through them. Pluto’s placement in a birth chart, as well as its transits, can therefore take on challenging and complex interpretations.
However, it is important to remember that astrologers interpreted birth charts without Pluto for thousands of years. Some modern astrologers argue that Pluto was discovered only recently because humanity has now reached a level of consciousness that can engage with Pluto’s energies.
Yet, perhaps never before in history has humanity been so removed from the idea of death. In indigenous cultures, shamanic traditions and religions that embrace reincarnation, death and rebirth have always been a natural part of life.
Pluto’s energy has always been part of the electromagnetic field around us, a force that may not impact the individual directly until it reaches beyond ordinary boundaries.
Compared with the influence of the earth, sun and moon, the planets’ effect on the electromagnetic field is marginal. From this perspective, Pluto in a birth chart does not wield the ominous power often ascribed to it.
However, when considered on a societal level, Pluto’s journey through the zodiac can influence enough people to bring about shifts that lead humanity into new eras. Changes, like those seen in nature, may start subtly but gradually gain momentum, transforming our world over time.
What does Pluto represent in astrology?
Pluto in astrology symbolizes transformation, power struggles and big changes. Pluto governs themes of rebirth, destruction, and renewal. Pluto’s energy urges humanity to explore hidden desires and confront deep-seated fears, encouraging growth on a personal level.
From an astrological perspective, Pluto also rules over areas where the universe pushes us to learn significant life lessons.
Pluto’s placement in a natal chart is, according to conventional astrology, thought to indicate where individuals might experience intense transformations or challenges. For example, Pluto in the first house may create a strong desire for personal freedom and self-reinvention, while Pluto in Capricorn emphasizes shifts in structures, authority and ambition.
Pluto’s aspects to planets like Venus or Neptune can indicate themes around relationships or spiritual growth and our need for alone time.
However, the role of the planets for the individual is often exaggerated. When astrology is viewed as an energy system, the electromagnetic energies from the earth, sun and moon far outweigh those of the planets. Learn more about it in What is sunring astrology.
Astronomically, Pluto’s orbit is eccentric, symbolizing its transformative nature in astrology. Though no longer classified as a major planet in the solar system, its influence in astrology still exists.
Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio, associated with rebirth, and signifies profound revolutions that help humans evolve.
Pluto urges humanity to embrace change as a necessary part of growth. Whether it is in Leo, encouraging creative expression and self-discovery, or in Aquarius, driving innovation and the pursuit of collective freedom, Pluto reminds us to leave the past and embrace transformation.
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