
Find your personal energy with Sunring Astrology

The energy path to knowing yourself and your potential – spiritually and in life

Sunring astrology is a new kind of astrology that is based on the electromagnetic field that always surrounds us. This field is primarily formed by the earth’s magnetism in combination with electromagnetic radiation from the sun and moon.

Woman standing in sunny energy symbolizing sunring astrology

The dominant energies

Sunring astrology focuses on the effect this imprint had on you when you were born. On your own, unique energy that you will always send out and share with the world, as long as you are true to yourself and who you are.


In order to study your unique energy imprint, sunring astrology focuses on:

- your sun sign

- your sunring

- your moon sign


They describe the by far most dominant energies when you were born.


When you become familiar with these three energies, you will get a deep understanding of who you are and how your personality shifts in different contexts and situations in life.

The sun in sunring astrology

Born into energy

As living organisms, we humans form our own electromagnetic fields, just like the earth, sun and moon.


Before you were born, you were therefore enveloped not only by your mother’s womb but also by her electromagnetic field.


The moment you took your first breath as a newborn, you left your mother’s electromagnetic field and entered a completely new one, the enormous field created by the earth, sun and moon.


Right there and then you were imprinted with the specific set of energies that permeated everything around you. This energy was unique in time and space and will always remain with you and characterize you as a person.

Person surrounded by swirling energies symbolizing sunring astrology
Sunny landscape illustrating the ancient cradle of astrology

The difference 

between sunring astrology and conventional astrology

Astrology has been used for centuries to describe human nature, but also to make money. To do that, astrology must be made complicated and mysterious.


Conventional astrology has inherited this mix, with a bit of everything in it, making astrology difficult to understand for non-astrologers.


Sunring astrology wants to equip everyone with the tools to arrive at deep self-understanding, both personally and spiritually. No expert is better than you in understanding who you are!

The mystical origins of astrology

Once upon a time, during a golden age, a culture unknown to us created the astrological system.

It can be likened to a gigantic celestial clock, where the sky was divided into twelve equal zones – the zodiac.


The celestial clock can be used to follow the passage of time but also to define what energies are present at different times of the year.


The culture that once existed there is lost and forgotten but we have inherited the system of energy and time that they once created.

Woman filled with energy from sun, moon and earth
Compass and flowers

Find your ascendant – the start of your sunring

Most people know their sun sign, that is, the sign they were born in. The sunring gives complementary information about your personality and how it shifts, depending on whom you are with, and in what context of life.


To find your own sunring, you need to know your so-called ascendant. The ascendant is the first sign of your sunring and determines what your sunring looks like.


You therefore start your journey into deep self-exploration by discovering your ascendant. From there, everything is an adventure into the beautiful energy that is you. 

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